Free face-to-face training: Understanding and support for students on the Autism Spectrum in Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training

AIPA, Association for the Inclusion of People with Autism, in collaboration with the Provincial Directorate of Education of Salamanca, Junta de Castilla y León, offers this valuable training with Marlene Horna Castiñeiras, a prestigious national speaker and expert in autism. This collaboration has been possible thanks to the commitment and work of the CFIE of… Continue reading Free face-to-face training: Understanding and support for students on the Autism Spectrum in Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training

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Free face-to-face training: Understanding and support for students on the Autism Spectrum in Early Childhood and Primary Education

AIPA, Association for the Inclusion of People with Autism, in collaboration with the Provincial Directorate of Education of Salamanca, Junta de Castilla y León, offers this valuable training with Marlene Horna Castiñeiras, a prestigious national speaker and expert in autism. This collaboration has been possible thanks to the commitment and work of the CFIE of… Continue reading Free face-to-face training: Understanding and support for students on the Autism Spectrum in Early Childhood and Primary Education

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INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. TO WANT IT IS TO CREATE IT is an initiative promoted by people who firmly believe in the need to transform and improve the Spanish educational system from an inclusive perspective, with the conviction that, in this way, we contribute to the development of a more equitable, fairer society and, therefore, more democratic.… Continue reading INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. TO WANT IT IS TO CREATE IT

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Collaboration with the City Council of Ciudad Rodrigo to put up pictograms

The Department of Education, Childhood and Family of the City Council of Ciudad Rodrigo has announced that it is going to launch an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Programme, consisting of the distribution of new pictogram signage throughout the city, to turn the city into a cityhelp make it more inclusive. For this, the City Council… Continue reading Collaboration with the City Council of Ciudad Rodrigo to put up pictograms

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Free online training: Understanding Autism & Approach Strategies with Peter Vermeulen

AIPA, Association for the Inclusion of People with Autism, in collaboration with the Provincial Directorate of Education of Salamanca, Junta de Castilla y León, offers this valuable training with Peter Vermeulen, a prestigious international speaker and expert in autism. This collaboration has been possible thanks to the commitment and work of the CFIE of Salamanca… Continue reading Free online training: Understanding Autism & Approach Strategies with Peter Vermeulen

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Free online training: Detection and action guidelines in cases of abuse and/or mistreatment of people with intellectual disabilities and people with communication difficulties

THE LEGAL FACILITATOR AS THE MAIN MEANS OF SUPPORT IN ACCESS TO JUSTICE Article 7 bis of Law 8/2021, of June 2, recognizes the role of the legal facilitator for all people with a recognized disability of 33% or more. However, currently in Spain there are only legal facilitators for people with intellectual disabilities. There… Continue reading Free online training: Detection and action guidelines in cases of abuse and/or mistreatment of people with intellectual disabilities and people with communication difficulties

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Presentation of Marlene Horna’s book “Boys and girls on the autism spectrum: Understanding and practical strategies for educational support” at the University

AIPA (Association for the Inclusion of People with Autism) has organized the presentation of Marlene Horna’s book “Boys and girls on the autism spectrum: Understanding and practical strategies for educational support” on June 4 at 12:00 in the Francisco Vitoria Room in the Main Building of the School for the Elderly at the University of… Continue reading Presentation of Marlene Horna’s book “Boys and girls on the autism spectrum: Understanding and practical strategies for educational support” at the University

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Collaboration with the Provincial Auto-Taxi Association of Salamanca

The Provincial Auto-Taxi Association of Salamanca is collaborating with AIPA (Association for the Inclusion of People with Autism) in the Autism Visualization and Awareness Campaign by pictographing 223 taxis. The pictograms are a communication support for children with autism who do not speak and/or do not read (which allows them to advance in these areas),… Continue reading Collaboration with the Provincial Auto-Taxi Association of Salamanca

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Free online training: Educational legislation for students with Special Educational Needs

Speaker Laura Abadía is a Legal Advisor specialising in Special Educational Needs. President of the Segundo Maestro Association. If you want to find out more about our speaker, click here: Training content The educational regulations for students with Special Educational Needs will be set out as regulated by the Autonomous Community of Castilla y… Continue reading Free online training: Educational legislation for students with Special Educational Needs

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