Collaboration with the Provincial Auto-Taxi Association of Salamanca

The Provincial Auto-Taxi Association of Salamanca is collaborating with AIPA (Association for the Inclusion of People with Autism) in the Autism Visualization and Awareness Campaign by pictographing 223 taxis.

The pictograms are a communication support for children with autism who do not speak and/or do not read (which allows them to advance in these areas), and those with non-verbal autism. They also help other groups such as:

  • People with some type of intellectual disability.
  • People with sensory disorders
  • Children (they always understand a picture better than a text).
  • Elderly people
  • People with communication difficulties (cerebral palsy, hearing impairment, hearing loss, deafness, SLI).
  • People with orientation problems (Alzheimer’s, dementia…).
  • People who do not know our language.
  • People who do not know how to read and/or write.

There is a lot of social interaction in this sector and for this reason, this initiative is very important, since in addition to helping these groups, it reminds society that there are people with different needs.

In addition, as this signage is part of the Cognitive Accessibility that is recognized by law, all collaborating entities want to do their bit in this regard, and the taxi sector is very happy to play its part.
